The Obispo Town Musicians

The SLO Public Market at Bonetti Ranch is nearing completion. Michael has been commissioned for the public art feature, entitled “The Obispo Town Musicians.” It is modeled after the Grimm’s fairytale, “The Bremen Town Musicians.” The black and white image here is the maquette. The work is complete, and awaiting installation when the site is ready.

Below is a video rendering of the Long-Bonnetti Ranch project that was created early in design. The art feature did not make it into the video but the very first image in the video includes a planter at the left of the screen with an oak tree in it. You can see the planter and tree again if you pause at the 1:25 mark and again briefly at 1:35 and 2:46. That oak tree will not be there. In it’s place will be the Obispo Town Musicians. The piece will be approximately 12 feet tall and elevated about eighteen inches above the surrounding walkways in a raised planter bed. It will be surrounded by mature, closely spaced lavender within a split rail fence to discourage small children from climbing.

You can find more info about the project at   The project is located at Tank Farm Road and South Higuera Street in San Luis Obispo, CA.